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Dove & EAF Warm Neighbors Cool Friends Evening of Service

ABOUT OUR EVENING OF SERVICE | March 15th, 2023 from 5:30PM to 7:00PM

Dove Financial Assistance (DFA)and the Energy Assistance Foundation (EAF) are co-hosting a dedicated evening of service to assist Ameren Illinois customers eligible for the Warm Neighbors Cool Friends program. The event will be held on Wednesday, March 15th from 5:30PM to 7:00PM at the Decatur Public Library in the Elizabeth Madden Auditorium. 


Established in 1982, Warm Neighbors Cool Friends™ (WNCF) provides energy bill payment assistance and connection to energy efficiency services for low-to-moderate income individuals and families experiencing financial hardship. “Warm Neighbors Cool Friends has provided energy bill payment assistance to over 100,000 households in our 40-year history,” said Susan Sams, Executive Director of EAF. “Thanks to our generous donors, these individuals and families received a matching grant on their Ameren Illinois account to keep the lights on at home and prevent a financial issue from spiraling out of control.” In January 2023, WNCF began matching customer payments up to $500 (increased from $350) during the heating season. For program information including income guidelines, please click here.


Dove and the Energy Assistance Foundation have partnered for over 17 years to assist moderate-income families in our community with energy assistance through this valuable program. In 2022, Dove Financial Assistance was able to assist over 1,700 households with almost $30,000 in WNCF energy bill assistance matching funds.

“DFA is open year round with in-person help or since COVID, assistance can begin with a text to 217.433.7435 or email to We hope to raise awareness about the Warm Neighbors Cool Friends program and Dove Financial Assistance by providing an in-person, early evening opportunity at the Decatur Public Library, which is centrally located and easily accessible,” said DFA Program Director, Molly Tenuto.


To sign up for WNCF assistance at the event, bring a copy of your Ameren Illinois bill, proof of income and identification material such as a driver’s license or state ID. Please visit for DFA’s regular hours of operation and WNCF income guidelines.

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